Friday, November 24, 2017

November 19, 2017 - My first actual "Lee 333" Hike (Elizabeth Furnace - Botts, Charcoal, Pig Iron Trails and the Woodstock Tower Trail)

    Today's hike was just a warm up for the Lee 333, I wanted to get started hiking but also to drive around a bit in Fort Valley. I hiked three very short trails in the Elizabeth Furnace Recreation Area and kept out of the back country. It's hunting season and I do not yet know the area and hunting rules/dates well enough to feel safe.

Elizabeth Furnace Track
     I tried parking in the outer lot of the recreation area but it was full with mountain biker's cars. So instead, I parked in the camp ground and walked through the amphitheater into the recreation area. After crossing the suspension foot bridge over Passage Creek, I joined the Botts trail and headed south. From the Botts trail I made a turn onto the Charcoal trail loop and then the Pig Iron trail and finally finished up by rejoining the Botts trail near the auto bridge. It was a short 1.91 miles. 

Cabin at Elizabeth Furnace
Suspension Bridge over Passage Creek

Charcoal Trail
Pig Iron Trail

Forge at Elizabeth Furnace

Forge at Elizabeth Furnace
The trail ended far too soon
Auto Bridge over Passage Creek

    After the Elizabeth Furnace trails, I explored the Fort Valley by car and eventually drove up onto the western Massanutten Ridge and then north along F66 to the gate just north of Little Fort Valley taking note of where trails cross the road for future trips. I passed many elaborate hunting camps including camper trailer and generators.

Woodstock Tower Track

    Turning around and heading south again, I eventually ended up at the Woodstock Tower parking area. Just after I pulled in, another car stopped. A very energenic guy immeadately engaged me in converastion. However, his english was not too good and my spanish is almost nonexistent.

Me at the top of Woodstock Tower

Me at the bottom of Woodstock Tower

     After a few minutes, we walked to the Tower together attempting to chat along the way. We climbed the tower and took a few pictures but it was too cold and windy to stay long and soon were forced back down to ground level. We returned to the cars and parted ways. After that I drove towards Luray to complete a loop back to my home near Warrenton having drove out via Front Royal. 

Amother Hiker I Met in the Parking Area
A cold, windy but short climb

View from Woodstock Tower (East)

View from Woodstock Tower (West)

View from Woodstock Tower (West)

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December 27, 2024 - Trout Run Fire Trail