Monday, May 20, 2024

May 15, 2024 - Little Sluice Mountain Trail to Old Little Sluice Trail

Picture of the Day 

    This blog chronicles the hikes I've completed in the Lee 333 Challenge. I named the challenge 333 because in my first calculation of the total mileage it added up to 333 miles. However, since then I discovered it is not that simple. I've found many trails not on the maps or in guidebooks as well as numerous abandoned logging roads. I haven't set a challenge deadline because I can't dedicate myself 100% to it. However, if the SNAP 500 (or SHEN 500) can be done in one year, I don't see any reason why a dedicated enthusiast couldn't complete the Lee 333 in under a year also.

Today's Hike:
Distance: 4.23
Duration: 5.23
Ascent: 1035ft
PATC Difficulty: 93

Lee 333 Progress Summary:
Trails: 50 of 177
Trail Miles: 178.77 of 417 miles (238.23 miles to go)
Hiked Miles: 282.79 miles
Total Ascent: 65560.17 feet

Today's Track

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June 15, 2024 - Stulz Gap Trail