Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Aug 29, 2021 - Scothorn Gap Trail (again) and more of the Massanutten Trail and the Massanutten Connector Trail (again)

Picture of the Day 

This blog chronicles the hikes I've completed in the "Lee 333 Challenge". I haven't set a challenge deadline because I can't dedicate myself 100% to it. However, if the SNAP500 (or SHEN500) can be done in one year, I don't see any reason why a dedicated enthusiast couldn't complete the "Lee 333" in under a year also.

Today's Hike:
Distance: 5.58
Duration: 3:58
Ascent: 1016ft
PATC Difficulty: 106

Lee 333 Progress Summary:
Trails: 46 of 172
Trail Miles: 158.43 of 409.74 miles (251.31 miles to go)
Hiked Miles: 249.53 miles
Total Ascent: 57953.5 feet 

Today's Track
    My wife asked me what I wanted for my up coming birthday (Sept 9th). I told her that I'd like her to shuttle me to a couple of upcoming hikes. So, today we drove out in separate cars and I left mine in the commuter lot on  Rt211 and we drove up to the Scothorn Gap trailhead on Crisman Hollow Road where she dropped me off and returned home.
    On today's hike. I climbed to the ridge on the Scothorn Gap trail again and turned south onto the Massanutten Trail until I reached the Massanutten Connector trail. That trail took me down to Rt 211 and my car.
My wife's White Van on the left and the Scothorn Gap Trail straight ahead
    There were quite a few more people on the trail today. On my way up to the Gap a group of four young men were coming down, and later neat the top two men spoke to me for a minute. They told me that this was there first real hike. They had just finished the Strickler Knob trail. Wow, what a first trip!

There's water in the creek today

Smooth false foxglove
Taking the Massanutten south towards Rt 211


hummm, too easy... that won't last long

Random trail signs 1/2 mile down from the last intersection
Random trail signs 1/2 mile down from the last intersection
Duncan Hollow Trail ? I can't find that on the ground or the maps. I think this sign is outdated.
Here are the two signs 1/2 mile below the intersection at Scothorn Gap

OK, things are getting serious now!

Gonna be going down over rocks for a long time, taking it very slow.

More of the same

A rare smooth section

Luckily, this tread did not last long.

Just before crossing the creek
Creek crossing

Water was low enough to just hop over

Just after the creek crossing things got easier for a while. 
   Did I mention that the day was cloudy and not too hot? Well, that was changing now. The sky cleared and the temp went up.

Some fungus

This is the intersection of the Massanutten and the Massanutten Connector trail.

        It really was getting hot, I stopped at the last creek just before this intersection for 15minutes and doused myself with water and put a wet bandanna around my neck. 

Nearing Rt 211 I came across the racing snail

Back in the car, you can see how over heated I got.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

July 24, 2021 - Scothorn Gap Trail, Gap Creek Trail and Crisman Hollow Road

 Picture of the Day - Pond in Scothorn Gap
    This blog chronicles the hikes I've completed in the "Lee 333 Challenge". I haven't set a challenge deadline because I can't dedicate myself 100% to it. However, if the SNAP500 (or SHEN500) can be done in one year, I don't see any reason why a dedicated enthusiast couldn't complete the "Lee 333" in under a year also.

Today's Hike:
Distance: 6.01
Duration: 3:30
Ascent: 1176ft
PATC Difficulty: 118

Lee 333 Progress Summary:
Trails: 46 of 172
Trail Miles: 158.43 of 409.74 miles (251.31 miles to go)
Hiked Miles: 249.53 miles
Total Ascent: 57953.5 feet

Today's Track

   The only thing I have to say about this hike is that it was hot, I was hot and the last mile road walk on Crisman Hollow Road was a drag.

Parking at trail head on Crisman Hollow Road

That's the trail ahead crossing a creek

Creek bed is nearly bone dry

Starting my up hill climb to reach Scothorn Gap

Looking back down towards the trail head

A view west across the valley where Crisman Hollow Road goes

Another view across the valley

Approaching the Gap the trail levels a bit

In the Scothorn Gap a small meadow to the right and camp site to the left

The campsite in Scothorn Gap
After the meadow the trail moves back into the trees

...and gets rocky...

OK, I know there is pond in the gap someplace to my left

Found the pond

A closer view

The intersection of Scothorn Gap and the Massanutten trail

Closeup of the sign

The other side of the sign

The Scothorn going north on the ridge towards the Gap Creek Trail

Easy but HOT hiking on the ridge

More of the sane


A bit rocky but still flat

Back into some trees on the ridge

I think this is where the Scothorn Gap Trail ends and I join the Gap Creek Trail

OK, we're going down now back towards Crisman Hollow Road

Hard to tell from the pix but it got steep and rocky going down hill

This section seemed to go on forever, probably because I was over heated 

Ahhh, finally the end of the downhill. 
There is a campground at the trail head of Gap Creek Trail on Crisman Hollow Road

Crossing the creek

A look back at the bridge

The rest of the hike was a road walk back to the car south on Crisman Hollow Road

December 27, 2024 - Trout Run Fire Trail